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How to Create Page Funnels

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

A Page Funnel is a series of pages with multiple calls to action (CTAs) designed to guide users toward an ultimate goal while minimizing distractions and maximizing engagement and conversion rates. It's a one-way journey that takes users through a specific goal. For example, it could be used to complete a purchase, fill out a form, collect an email address, etc.

The LearnWorlds Pages Funnel is a sequence of pages with a single goal: visiting the steps of the funnel all the way to the last step (which is always a page). Page Funnels are different compared to creating separate pages and linking between them because: 

  • The Page Funnel encourages users to follow all steps sequentially. It keeps track of users' progress through the funnel, drives them to follow each step in order, redirects them to the latest step, and prevents them from visiting future steps until they finish the current one. Even if the user attempts to visit a previous or next step, the funnel continues from the step they left off. That is the magic of funnels; the system identifies where each user left off. 
  • They are fast and automated since we offer common pre-made funnel templates created and curated by our design team, such as webinar registration, payment, lead capture with coupon exchange, free guides, etc, and other flows based on common needs.
  • They are organized since pages belonging to a navigation path are found under a single funnel (and will have shared settings).
  • Funnels will span across all Site Flavors and hence are not Site Flavor specific. They can be used across all Site Flavors, saving you time and effort from rebuilding them even if you switch your active site flavor.

Page Funnels are available in the Pro Trainer plan with the option of creating up to 15 funnels and in the Learning Center plan or higher with unlimited page funnels. 

Create a Page Funnel

1. Navigate to Website → Funnels

2. There are many ways to add a funnel:

  • Click on Add New Funnel on the top ribbon.
  • Click on Funnels on the top and then on Funnels+ (Create Funnel) 
  • Or Add new at the left bottom sidebar next to Manage funnels.

3. A new funnel wizard will appear where you can choose between the following funnel pre-made templates

  • Coupon Lead Magnet
  • Ebook Lead Magnet
  • Email Opt-in
  • Get in Touch
  • Sell a product
  • Webinar Registration

4. Once you choose the template, you can set up the:

  • Funnel name
  • Funnel slug
  • Groups (not mandatory). You can add the funnel to a new funnel group or select one of the existing groups of funnels to better organize & categorize funnels.
  • Status (Draft or Public)
  • Create the Form automatically (if applicable for this funnel template). If you select one of our pre-made templates that utilize a form, you can choose whether to create the form as well or link one of your existing forms (see below: Funnel Templates with Embedded Forms)

4. Click on Create funnel.

Page Funnel Settings

A Page Funnel consists of funnel steps. You can see your created funnels on the left side form and pin the funnel side panel to bring the entire page into view.

Expand the funnel and hover over the three dots next to the Funnel or in the top bar middle drop-down and:

a. Configure the Funnel Settings. Click on Funnel Properties, and the Settings modal will appear where you can set up the: 

  • Funnel Properties:  

i. Choose the funnel status (Draft or Public)

ii. Change the funnel title and slug.

iii. Add or remove funnel groups. Groups help you better organize & categorize funnels in the left sidebar.

iv. Set an expiration date for your funnel.

  • Funnel SEO (you can even exclude the funnel from the sitemap). 
  • Funnel topbar and/or footer: you can choose to include or exclude the topbar/footer on your funnel.

Note: The topbar & footer if enabled appear on all the steps of the funnel. We suggest not including a topbar/footer in your funnels to avoid distracting users from the funnel flow.

b. Preview the funnel

c. View analytics

d. Clone Funnel

e. Delete the funnel

Create the Funnel Steps

A Page Funnel consists of funnel steps (pages). To create funnel steps:

a. Hover over the three dots of the step and click on +Add the step below to add as many steps as you like.

You can also click the +Add step below under the existing funnel steps.

b. Select a new funnel step template in the wizard, from the following template choices:

  • Blank
  • Contact
  • Coupon
  • File Download
  • Landing
  • Lead Magnet
  • Payment
  • Thank you
  • Webinar Details
  • Webinar Registration

c. After choosing the funnel step template before you click on Add step, add the below: 

  • Step name 
  • Step slug (URL)
  • Create the form automatically (if applicable for this funnel step template). If you select one of our pre-made templates that utilize a form you can choose whether to create the form as well or link one of your existing forms (see below: Funnel Templates with Embedded Forms)

You can navigate through the funnel steps on the left side panel by clicking on each step or at the top of the funnel page by clicking the arrow slider. You can also reorder the steps by dragging and dropping. 

Set Up the Funnel Flow

If you choose one of the LearnWorlds premade funnel templates, the flow is already taken care of for you. However, if you wish to alter the flow or create a funnel from scratch, you can edit individually each funnel step (which is always a page) and set up the navigation flow between the funnel steps with the goal of gradually making your users move all the way to the last step (page) of the funnel.

Move to the next Funnel Step

You need to ensure that users can progress to the next funnel (pages) steps when completing the current step, hence you need to add on-click actions that set up the navigation flow so users move to the next funnel steps (pages) e.g when completing or executing specific actions (e.g when clicking on specific buttons, when submitting their emails, when filling up a form, downloading a file etc). 

For simple Buttons that lead users to the next funnel step, go to the Actions tab & Onclick, and select Next funnel step.

If you include a Marketing form inside a funnel page step, you must select that the user is taken to the next funnel step after submitting the form. Go to the right side of the embedded form, choose On submitMove to next funnel step.

If you include a  Payment Page (1-click Sales funnels) or a Payment Section, keep in mind that upon payment, users are automatically directed to the next funnel step after they complete the purchase and:

  • Thus, the after-purchase navigation setting is ignored in the funnel context if the payment zone is followed by another (usually a "thank you") funnel page step.
  • This is not supported for Shopify and sscommerz payment gateways. If you use these payment gateways we suggest adding the payment page/section as a last step in your funnel.

Funnel Steps Properties

Hover over the three dots next to the funnel step to:

a. Add step below

b. Configure Step Properties.

b. Preview step

c. Copy all sections

d. Paste all sections

e. Delete step

Click on Step Properties, and then you can adjust the step title & slug (URL).

Funnel Templates (with Embedded Forms)

Our pre-made funnel templates are all carefully created and curated by our design team. cover a wide range of needs, including webinar registration, guiding users to specific purchases, lead capture, free guides, and more,


When you create a funnel, you will be asked to start from scratch (Blank) or choose one of the pre-made templates. 

  • Coupon Lead Magnet: Offer coupons and collect leads. Present your school, ask for the user's email, and give them a coupon code in return. The users can use this coupon code to buy a course/bundle/subscription with a discount. 
  • Ebook Lead Magnet: Offer free downloadables (e.g., Guides, Ebooks) as a lead magnet.
  • Email Opt-in: Increase subscriptions to a newsletter.
  • Get in Touch: Offer a fully customizable contact form with an after-submission thank you page
  • Sell a Product: Present an irresistible offer and increase course sales, offer coupons, or sell a course at a discount for a limited time to boost sales.
  • Webinar Registration: You can guide users through the registration process for a free webinar by asking them to submit their email addresses and providing them with the webinar details (date/time, webinar link, etc).

For some of our pre-made templates e.g Webinar Registration template, the Create the form automatically option will appear:

  • When you enable the above Create a form automatically option, a Marketing Form or an Email Magnet Form is embedded specifically in this funnel in a funnel step. The content of the forms created is specific to serve the needs of each funnel (e.g. for the Webinar registration template funnel, we offer specific questions that are appropriate for this funnel category) to create a complete experience for users going through these funnels. You can choose to create the form we suggest or link one of your own forms.
  • Even if you disable the Create marketing form setting, you can still link a Marketing Form or an Email Magnet Form on the funnel step (page) as a widget/section. 
In both aforementioned cases, if not pre-selected, make sure within the Form's settings that the On Submit action in the right side form of the embedded form is set to Move to next funnel step (see above) to let users move to the next funnel step after submitting the selected Form. 

Marketing Forms in Page Funnels

If a Marketing form is added specifically to this funnel and included in a specific funnel step, you can:

  • Edit the Form by clicking on Edit Form on the right side form.

Alternatively, you can edit any Marketing form by navigating to Marketing Marketing Forms.

  • You must select (if not pre-selected) the On submit action for the Marketing Form from within the Marketing form's settings so users can move to the next funnel step after submitting the selected Marketing Form.
All Marketing Forms and their responses are saved in the Form Responses panel. Navigate to Marketing  Marketing Forms.

Email Magnet Form in Page Funnels

If an Email Magnet Form is added you should always set up the form's custom settings and choose to move users to the next funnel step (unless it's in the last step) & Save data in "Leads from Pages" table. You can also add tags to your Leads who submit their email to the Email Magnet Form.

Funnel Manager

Click on Funnels Manage funnels. In the Funnel Manager panel, you can see and visit each funnel, see the funnel slug, status, last updated date, and the Funnel actions (edit, delete, clone, export funnel).

If you wish to duplicate/clone an existing Page funnel, hover over it and click on Clone Funnel. In the modal that appears choose a funnel name and slug, add groups, select the status (draft/public), and click on Create Funnel.

Or you can clone a funnel if you hover over the three dots next to the funnel.

→ Pages Funnel is a web version feature that is not supported on Mobile apps.
→You cannot clone a funnel step.

Funnel Analytics

Click on Website Funnels Manage Funnels. In the next panel, you can view & manage all the funnels and check the analytics such as the funnel's visitors (users who visited the funnel but haven't reached the final step yet), completions (visitors who reached the final step (page) of the funnel and completed it), and completion rate.

To navigate to Funnel Analytics, you can also:

  • Hover over the middle top of the funnel page, and in the Info panel, click on View Analytics where you can see funnel data such as Total funnel views, Completion rate, visitors per step funnel, Number of visits of any page of the funnel, Number of visitors that reached the final step of the funnel, etc. 
  • Hover over the three dots on the Funnel and click on View analytics
  • Hover over Funnels at the authoring top bar and click on Funnel Analytics.

Share and Invite Users to Enter the Funnel with Ease

It's possible to link buttons to your funnels, which will allow your users to navigate your funnel's flow with just one click. This can greatly improve the user experience. 

To link a button to your funnel, follow these steps:

1. Create a new button in your desired location at your school.

2. Click on the button in order to open the sidebar.

3. On the Actions tab, select the Funnel option.

You can easily share your funnel with your audience by copying the funnel link and pasting it into your Instagram bio, email campaigns, or anywhere else you'd like to promote it.

To copy the funnel link, follow these steps:

1. Go to your funnel

2. Click on it at the authoring bar

3. Select the Copy URL option


1. Go to your funnel

2. Click on the three dots and select the Funnels properties option

3. Select the Copy URL at the popup

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