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How to Host an Online Class via LearnCube

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

LearnCube is a virtual classroom software packed with features, including an online whiteboard, conversation mode, text chat, and options for private or group classes. You can integrate LearnCube classes directly into your courses by adding the class embed code in an embed learning activity, allowing users to attend live sessions without leaving the course player.


LearnWorlds provides built-in integration with Zoom and Webex, enabling seamless hosting of live sessions.

In this article, we will learn how to create a LearnCube class and paste the online class code into LearnWorlds.

Create LearnCube Class

To create a LearnCube class: 

1. In your LearnCube account, click on + Create Class.

2. Click on Edit, insert the description, date/time, and duration you want, and save your changes.

3. Click on Student Link → Copy (to copy the URL of the class).

Embed the LearnCube Class in your Course

1. Create an embed learning activity in your selected course.

2. In the embed code field, insert the following code after you have replaced the bolded text/link with the URL of the class you had copied from LearnCube, as mentioned in the previous steps:

<iframe allow="microphone; camera" style="border: 0; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%;" src=" CLASSURL " frameborder="0"></iframe>

Your users will be able to attend your online class within the school's course player.

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Create LearnCube Class