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How to Create a Test User Account

Creating test user accounts can enhance your editing process significantly. Employing a test user enables a deeper comprehension of user flow, feature functionality, and potential modifications. Moreover, it proves invaluable for addressing user-reported issues, as you can easily replicate them with a test user. This article outlines the process of creating a test user account, navigating to the pages of your academy, and going through all its critical functions.

Create a test user account

1. If you are logged out, you can create a test user account by clicking on the Sign-in button on your school's Home page and then click on Create account or Sign-up through a Social Provider (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Apple).

Fill in a name and a valid email address, different from the one registered for your admin account.

2. Alternatively, if you are logged in with the admin credentials you may:

  • Navigate to Users â†’ All users and Add a new user
  • Fill in your test user details and click on Add User. Ensure that in the User role field you choose the User role. 
  • A pop-up message will appear on the bottom left part of your screen which will confirm that the user was created successfully.

Once the test user account is added you can also hover over and click on Update Password if you wish to set the password in advance for your test user account. Otherwise, you need to visit your test user's email account to activate the account and add a password.

Activate your account

To perform the next steps and log in with your test user account you need to either log out of your admin account or follow the below steps via a different browser or the incognito window to activate your test user account and eventually log in.

If the "When a learner is imported by admin" notification email is enabled (recommended) in your school, your test user account will receive the following email:

To activate your test user account visit your test user's email provider account and locate the notification email delivered. You can activate your account by clicking the link in the respective email to add a password.

After clicking on the link you will be directed to the password creation form where you can enter the password of your test user account.

You are now logged in with your test user account and you can navigate to your school pages and courses so to ensure that everything works as expected. 

You may also complete a test purchase and inspect the checkout and after purchase navigation pages. If you have connected a payment gateway you can create a 100% discount coupon for testing purposes and completing transactions without charge.


  • If you remove a product from your test user, it will also be removed from the Orders Page.
  • You can simultaneously stay logged in with your LearnWorlds admin account in one browser and with your test user account from a different browser or the incognito window to perform tests in real-time while making changes.

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Create a test user account