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How to Grade Assessments or Provide Feedback (Review Center)

When do Assessments responses go to the Review Center for Grading or Feedback

1. When creating an Exam (Graded-Assessment), you can insert questions that can be automatically graded and a score to be provided on the spot. 

If Text Assignments, File Assignments, or Record Video/Audio types of questions are added to an Exam Learning activity, the Assessments will be moved to the Review Center for grading. The users will see the Pending status ending screen until the Assessment has been graded. 

2. When creating a Self-assessment learning activity, you also have the option to insert:

  • Exam question types such as Text Assignment, File Assignment, or Record Video/Audio 
  • Form question types such as File Upload or Record Video/Audio questions (and Manual Feedback is enabled under Settings). 

These assessments can be located in the Review Center for the admin or instructor to provide feedback manually.

3. While creating a Self Assessmenor an Exam type of Assessment, if the Manual Feedback setting is enabled, then the assessment responses will be moved to the Review Center for additional feedback, even if only closed-ended questions are included.

How to Grade or Provide Feedback on Assessments

1. Go to Courses → Review Center.

2. Select the Unreviewed/ Ungraded tab, and hover over Manage on the user's assignment.

3.a. For graded assessments, click on Review Assessment.

  • You can set the score percentage (100% equals all the scoring points) and simultaneously provide feedback if needed.
  • You can further edit the feedback if needed for the automatically graded questions if the setting "manual feedback" is enabled on the assessment settings → Manual Feedback tab.
  • On the scoring summary, you can view the points for manually graded and auto-graded questions (if inserted), the total score points, and the final assessment score that will define whether the user has passed or failed.

3.b. For non-graded assessments, click on Review Self-Assessment to provide feedback (grading is disabled).

4. Don't forget to click Submit Review.


  • You can utilize the AI assistant to provide feedback in each question or under Overall Feedback (optional). You can find out more on how to generate feedback using AI, in this article. 
  • The admins and Instructors can upload files when reviewing a submission (both for a question and as overall feedback) and even record video/audio feedback as the assessment's overall feedback (maximum recording length allowed: 120 seconds).
  • If your assessment contains auto-graded questions as well, the score you will insert on the essay questions will define whether the user will pass the general assessment. This is displayed on the Score for auto-graded questions. The field will display 0 / 0 points if you don't have auto-graded questions.
  • For already graded/reviewed assessments, you can click on the Reviewed/ Graded tab, review the assessment again, and then click Update.
  • If an assessment is modified at a later time, it will not affect the grade/completion status for users who have already taken it. 

User's experience

1. Based on the feedback settings you have enabled, users will view the relevant Feedback on the Ending Screen as soon as they submit the assessment.

You can also check this article for more information: How to Offer Feedback/Answers Reports in Assessments and Forms.

2. As soon as their assessment has been reviewed (if assignment questions have been added that require manual review), they will be able to view the feedback on the Course Player:

Users will also receive a notification in their inbox (if you have enabled the relevant notification: How to edit your learners school emails).

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When do Assessments responses go to the Review Center for Grading or Feedback