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How to Manually Add Users to a Subscription Plan through Stripe

In certain cases, you may need to manually add a user to a subscription plan through Stripe. This solution is implemented using Stripe, which is our recommended payment gateway for subscriptions. Below, you can find a guide on how to accomplish this.

It’s important to note, that by following this procedure users will start studying while being in Stripe’s trial mode which will give them time to get a taste of your product and also add their credit card details for future payments. Below you can check some of the reasons that could make you choose user enrollment within Stripe:

  • You may want to help out a user who is not yet comfortable enough to purchase a subscription plan from within the LearnWorlds school but wants to eventually purchase the Subscription.
  • You may want to migrate one or more users to a LearnWorlds subscription plan (for bulk migration check here).

Otherwise, you can manually enroll a user through the LearnWorlds interface, if you prefer to grant free access to the subscription plan with no credit card required. For more information, check this article.

Manual Subscription Enrollment on Stripe

You can find in detail the steps on Stripe for user subscription enrollment:

1. Create the user from Users → All users → Add user. You can find more information on how to add a user in our respective article (if the user is already registered in your school you may skip this step).

2. Make sure you have created a subscription plan in your LearnWorlds school. 

Subscriptions created from within LearnWorlds sync to Stripe upon creation. Please note that the other way around, creating a subscription plan in Stripe, will not sync it to LearnWorlds.

3. Ιn your Stripe account, navigate to Customers, and Add a customer under the same email address the user has used to sign up in LearnWorlds. If the user already exists in Stripe from another platform, you will need to make sure that you create another user, otherwise, the integration will not work as expected.

4. After creating the user, go to Stripe’s menu under Customers → Subscriptions and assign the Subscription plan for the user by clicking on Create subscription, and enrolling the user in the already-existing product. At this step, you should not change the product (subscription) price. For more information, you can check this article.

Changing the price subscription (in Stripe) alters the Stripe subscription ID (in Stripe). This means that the LearnWorlds system will not recognize the subscription resulting in a user not being assigned the subscription within LearnWorlds.

5. Choose as Payment method the Automatically charge a payment method on file option, in order for their credit card to get charged on the subscription renewal date (when the users add the billing info to their LearnWorlds account).

6. You need to grant them a number of trial days (it is essential to add at least 3 days), to serve as a timeframe within which they’ll have to insert their billing info, in their LearnWorlds account. 

7. Start the Subscription.

Following the subscription activation, the user will get enrolled in the subscription plan and will be prompted to fill out their billing info on their LearnWorlds account page. If they miss adding their billing info before their trial days end, they will lose access to the relevant subscription plan. If not, Stripe will proceed with charging the user’s credit card, at the defined renewal date.


  • In your Subscription notification email settings, you can activate the email template "Subscription trial ends in three days", which will fire a reminder to the user 3 days before their trial ends.
  • A user can only be subscribed to one subscription plan at a time. If the user is already subscribed, an attempt to subscribe to a second product will fail.

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Manual Subscription Enrollment on Stripe