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How to Create In-App Purchases for the iOS Mobile App

To allow users to purchase your courses directly from your iOS Mobile App, you need to correctly set up the in-app purchases associated with your app. You can add these purchases either through your LearnWorlds school or directly via the App Store.

Follow the steps below to set up your app for in-app purchases.

First time enabling in-app purchases from this account

If it is your first time enabling in-app purchases from this Apple connect account, you will need to provide Apple with your bank account details as well as fill in the necessary tax forms. 

1. Log in to your App Store Connect account and click on Agreements, Tax and Banking.

Note: If this is your first time visiting this page, you will be prompted to agree to the Terms by entering your legal business entity details. Also, you will need to accept Apple’s paid apps agreement.

2. Click on Set Up Tax, Banking and Contacts.

3. Click on Add Bank Account and fill in your Bank Account’s details.

4. Agree to the disclaimer and click on Add

Note: After adding your Bank account details, Apple will need to cross-check and process this information. The processing will be completed within 24 hours. 

5. Then, you will need to click on Complete Tax Forms

The tax forms and the options that you must fill in, depend on your country of residence as well as specific details about your business.

Make sure to complete the US Tax Form as well. Even if you are not a US resident you will need to set it up simply by selecting "No".

How to create an in-app purchase

1. Upon the completion of your tax forms, you will need to fill in the contact information for various departments of your business. Click on the boxes and fill in the information required.

2. Îťavigate back to the App Store Connect and click on My Apps. Then, click on your App.

3. Click on In-App Purchases, under Features, and click on the (+) icon to add a new in-app purchase.

The first in-app purchase will need to be submitted with a new version of your app, however, following this, you can add in-app purchases freely without the need to resubmit your application.

a. As what you will be selling is courses, you should opt-in for Non-Consumable. Purchasing a subscription is not available through the app. 

b. Enter a reference name to your product (this will not be publicly available but only visible within your account) as well as the product’s ID.  

To find the product ID of your course you need to navigate to the course's Access tab:

In Apple, the maximum length for the Product ID is 100 characters.

Pricing Tiers:  You can find out more about the different pricing tiers, here

Set Up Availability

Click on Set Up Availability and choose the countries you want to offer your iOS App to. As a default, all 175 available countries are enabled.

Click Done once you have selected your options.

Add Pricing

Click on Add Pricing to set the price for your In-App Purchase. Here you can select your base country or region and the specific price. Click on Next.

Then you can adjust this price for any specific country if you wish to offer different prices for different countries. Finally, click on "Next" and then "Confirm" to finalize the pricing of your In-App Purchase.

4. Fill in the name and the description of the in-app purchase in different languages. You can add more languages by clicking on Add Localization

5. You will need to provide some review information in order for the in-app purchase to be approved. For this reason, you will need to provide Apple with the course's image (640x920px) as well as a thorough description of it along with instructions on how to reach the in-app purchase.

Go ahead and click on Save.

Attention! After creating the in-app purchase you should make sure not to delete it because Apple does not allow the same product ID to be added to another in-app purchase (even if the other one has been deleted). It is mandatory for the product ID to match your course ID, thus you should make sure not to delete but only edit the in-app purchase upon creation.

Navigate to Mobile app → Launch in your LearnWorlds school, and in the App Store field click on Continue.

Remove in-apps

On your AppStoreConnect Account Navigate to your Apps In-App Purchases then select the one you wish to remove.

Now under "Availability" you can click on "Remove from sale" and "Save" to remove this app from your available-to-purchase courses.

Once you've added your products as in-app purchases, you can also view them within your school. Simply navigate to Mobile App â†’ In-App Products to see all the products you've added and their current status. For more details, refer to the information here.

As we would like to make sure that your iOS App will be accepted by the App Store after their manual review, we strongly suggest the following tips:

  • Please add at least one paid course as an In-App Purchase. You can easily create a simple course that you can offer for additional revenue, and if you don't want to keep it after your apps go live, we will delete it for you.
  • Do not include any custom sign-up fields in your sign-up form. App Store reviewers are very strict about additional information, so it will be great to keep the default values: username and email should be the only ones.
  • Finally, make sure to display all prices. Even if the In-App Purchase is offered for free, you can display a "0" (zero) price.


  • The same process should be followed even if you offer free courses as well, by adding a zero price. 
  • Subscriptions, Bundles, and Installments are not supported for in-app purchases.
  • It is feasible to add courses after the iOS app is live. Both Paid and Free courses will need to be set up as In-App Purchases to be available from within the App.
  • In order to offer free sections in a Paid course, the specific course will need to be added as an In-App purchase. Once the course is added, the users will be able to view the free sections before purchasing.
  • Currently, we do not support App Store Promotions so please make sure to not enable this option. However, this is a feature that is coming soon with a future release.

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First time enabling in-app purchases from this account