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Optimize User Management & Marketing with User Automations

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

User Automations, allow you to automate processes and events - related to users - and streamline your business, by using the logic of specific Triggers (When), Actions (Then), and Conditions (If only) where these events occur. 

You can create automation by choosing a Trigger (When) which will generate a specific Action or Actions (Then) if a particular Condition or Conditions apply (Only If). Conditions enable you to filter your Automation even further.

In this article, we will go over some of the amazing ways that you can utilize automation. We will give examples and use cases of this robust tool to streamline basic and advanced tasks that you would otherwise complete manually, saving time and improving the user journey within your school. This article will focus on enhancing user management and marketing efforts (signup process, social actions, etc).

You can find more information on User Automations and how to create and set them up in this article.

Sign up

Scenario: Enroll users in courses upon signup

Use Case Example: A school wants to automatically offer a private course to the learners upon their registration, which will include instructions on how to use the platform and navigate through the School Pages and Courses.

This scenario demonstrates how to provide specific products to users (action) upon their school sign-up (trigger). 

  • Trigger: User signs up
  • Action: Enroll to courses

Scenario: Tag users on signup

Use Case Example: A school is advertising its courses in Social Media Ads and would like to track the engagement and sign-up conversion. 

This scenario demonstrates how to add tags when a user signs up at your school during a specific timeline, in order to segment your audience. By utilizing this automation, when the user signs up in your school (trigger), then a specific tag is added (action), only if the registration date meets the criteria (condition).

  • Trigger: User signs up
  • Action: Add tags
  • Condition: Is registered before or after a specific date

Scenario: Tag users based on their registration email (on signup)

Use Case Example: A school has organizations as clients (B2B), and would like to segment the audience based on the organizations' domain.

This scenario demonstrates how to add tags based on the user's email domain (action) when they sign up at your school (trigger).

  • Trigger: User signs up
  • Action: Add user's email domain as tag


Scenario: Add to space

Use Case Example: A school that has migrated from another LMS environment, would like to automatically invite users to private groups as soon as they get enrolled in their courses.

This scenario demonstrates how to add users to a private space on your Community page. By utilizing this automation, when a user gets enrolled into a course (trigger), the automation adds the user to a specific private space in the Community of your school (action).

  • Trigger: User is enrolled to a course
  • Action: Add to a private space

Scenario: Remove from space

By utilizing this scenario, when a user gets removed from a course (trigger), either because it has expired, or the subscription has ended, or the admin has removed the user, then the learner will also get removed from the relevant space (action).

  • Trigger: User is un-enrolled from a course
  • Action: Remove from a private social group

Funnels & Opt-ins

Scenario: Webinar registration

Use Case Example: You have a live webinar coming soon, and you would like learners to receive a personalized email with the webinar details and URL link as soon as they submit the form of registration.

By utilizing this automation, when a user submits a form (trigger), an email will be sent to the user including a URL link or important information about the webinar (action).

  • Trigger: Form is submitted
  • Action: Send email to the user

Scenario: Ebook lead magnet

Use Case Example: School visitors view your Home page, and get interested in your content but for some reason hesitate to become registered members of your academic community. Wouldn’t it be great to have a freebie and catch their attention? By adding a marketing form to your Home page to attract users to submit their email addresses, they can directly download free material with useful information (such as a digital PDF or any other file you wish).

By utilizing this scenario, as soon as the user submits the marketing form (trigger), a personalized email will get fired (action).

  • Trigger: Form is submitted
  • Action: Send email to the user

Scenario: Interest in course

Use Case Example: Giving a sneak peek of your course is a good marketing choice in order to encourage your potential users to see some of the content for free and then engage them by firing a personalized email (and tagging them to further segment that audience).

By utilizing this scenario, when a user previews a free section of a paid course (trigger), then a personalized email will get fired (action) and specific tags will get applied (2nd action).

  • Trigger: User previews a paid course
  • Action: Send email to user
  • 2nd Action: Add tags

Notify Collaborators

Scenario: Notify admins about certificates and course completions

Use Case Example: You have the option to inform admins when a user received a certificate or completed a course.completes
By utilizing this automation when a user has received a certificate or completed a course (trigger). An email will be sent to them with a template of your choice (action).

  • Trigger: Certificate gets awarded/ user completed a course
  • Action: Send email to admin user

Other Scenario Examples

  • If you have applied tag visibility to some sections and widgets (e.g. to display content specific to parents instructors or learners), you can utilize the user automation feature in various ways with the actionable tags. 
  • By removing tags (trigger), the user automatically can get removed from a course or courses (action). 
  • When a coupon has been claimed (trigger), you can apply a tag to further export reports from the Reports Center to evaluate how many users have successfully claimed the coupon (action).
  • When migrating from another LMS, you can automatically complete courses (action) when users get a specific tag (trigger).
  • You can send push notifications (action) when a user signs up at your school (trigger). A push notification can welcome users to the platform, or even provide an offer specifically created for app users.

When multiple tags are added as a trigger in a User Automation, this automation trigger works like this: When Tag1 AND Tag2 AND Tag3 are added (even if the tags were not simultaneously added), then perform the action.

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