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How to Use the On-click Actions

The Site Builder offers plenty of editing features for you to create the most stunning pages and, more specifically, on-click actions to create redirections within your page's content. You can learn more about how to create links in our respective article.

You will find several On-click actions to choose from and specify their destination accordingly.

Redirection to School Page 

Select the Go to → Page. Select the page you wish to direct your users to and choose if the page will open in the same or in a new window.

Course Overview/ Payment Page

Select the Go to → Course. Choose the exact course, select the course page type (Overview or Payment page), and if it will open in the same or a new window.

Select the Go to → Course Activity. Choose the course, then select which specific course activity you wish to redirect your user to and if it will open in the same or a new window.

When you choose the Go to → Course activity in the links manager in an Ebook learning activity, you can also allow to open in the same window.

Bundle Overview/ Payment Page

Select the Go to â†’ Bundle. Choose the bundle, and choose if the Overview or Payment page will open and if it will open in the same or a new window.

Subscription Overview/ Payment page 

Select the Go to → Subscription. Choose the relevant subscription, select the Overview or Payment page, and choose if it will open in the same or a new window.

Blog Post

Select the Go to → Blog post, select the exact blog post you wish to display, and choose if it will open in the same or a new window.

Select the Go to → App. Select the app you wish to create a direct link to (Daily News, Profile, Blog, Best Resources, Inbox, etc.) and choose if the app page will open in the same window or a new window.

Social Links

Select the Go to → Social link. Direct your users to your school's social accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc.). Note that the users will be redirected to your Social accounts provided on your School info page. 

Select the Go to → After purchase. Choose where you wish to direct your users after purchase (Product Description page, course player, After login page). Note: this action is recommended to be used in contexts such as the Thank You Page.

Social Share

Select the Go to â†’ Social share if you wish the users to share the school page they currently visited, and select the social media it will get shared on. This will prompt the relevant social media window, allowing them to share your school's page on their personal social account.

System Forms 

Select the Go to → Forms. Choose to direct your users to either the Signup, Sign in, Reset Password, Cookies consent pop-up form, or Delete User Account.

  • The cookies consent pop-up will display the following form:
  • With the Delete user account option, when a user clicks on the link, an email is sent to the admin along with the user’s details.


Select the Go to → URL and add the external URL. For the URL to be functional, it's essential to add https:// at the beginning of the URL. 

Scroll into page

Select the Go to → Scroll into the page and choose the page section where the scroll will direct your users to. Once users click on this element, they will be scrolled to the selected section of the current page. This action does not work for mobile devices when inserted on a top-bar button. 

You can add an Anchor name in any of your page's sections to make the selection of the Scroll into page section easier or copy the section's URL to use the URL on click action to redirect users to the specific section from any page.

Open Popup

Select the Go to → Open popup and choose one of your school's pop-ups that you wish to get triggered.

Marketing Forms

Select the Go to → Open Form and choose one of your school's Marketing Forms that you wish to promote. Select the display type (Dialog, Fullscreen, Sidebar).

Select the Go to â†’  Email, and add the e-mail address so the relevant email provider's inbox will pop up for your users to send you a direct email.


Select the Go to → Signout to get your users to sign out of their accounts.

Continue where you left off

Takes your users to the last visited activity of their last visited course. For new users with no visited activity, this button does not redirect the users to any activity.

If you want to remove an already existing link, select the Go to → None and hit Save at the top of the page.

To modify the Topbar buttons and their actions follow the steps in our relevant article.

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