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How to Set Up User Automations

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

Wouldn't it be great if you could automate some steps inside your school? For example, when to add users to courses or when to send them emails? Using the automation feature, you can create such results with multiple combinations of triggers and actions.

What are Automations?

User Automations allow you to automate processes and events related to users and streamline your business by using the logic of specific Triggers (When), Actions (Then), and Conditions (only if) that these events occur. By utilizing this powerful tool, you can scale and customize your online school for your needs by eliminating the administrative effort with a wide variety of automation options. 

User Automations enables you to build workflows triggered after a user performs specific or multiple actions within your school. These workflows use the “when, then, if” logic, where triggers activate actions under specific conditions. Automations help you streamline basic and advanced tasks that you’d otherwise complete manually, saving time and improving the user journey within your school.

How do Automations Work? 

Automations work with the logic of using Triggers - Actions - Conditions. You can create automations by choosing a Trigger (When) that a specific Action or Actions will occur (Then) if a certain Condition or Conditions apply (Only If) that enables you to filter your Automations even further.

Benefits and User Automations Use Cases

Automations is a powerful tool that enables you to minimize administrative effort and operating costs and allows you to be more productive, consistent, and improved regarding user and school operations. This feature can be used numerous times and help you automate various user actions. More specifically: 

  • You can utilize user tags to perform specific actions like enrolling in a series of courses, creating email sequences, and many more.
  • You can send email notifications when a specific trigger and condition is met.
  • Customize user progress on specific occasions and user status.

And many more!  

Create an Automation

1. Navigate to Users â†’ Automations.

2. Click create new from scratch or choose one of the available templates.

3. To create an automated flow you will need to: 

  • Add the Automation name.
  • Configure the Automation by adding:

→ Trigger (When)

→ Action (Then)

→ Condition (Only If) (optional)

  • Specify whether the rule should be active to not.
  • Choose if you wish for the automation to Run synchronously. This means that you can select whether the automation will be executed the moment the event occurs. We recommend asynchronous execution for a faster user journey, unless the automation must run in real-time, before the user proceeds to the next step.

4. Click on Create.

Actions - Triggers - Conditions

You can create automation by choosing a Trigger (When) that a specific Action or Actions will occur (Then) if a specific Condition or Conditions are met (Only If). Conditions will allow you to add the "Only If" condition to your automation. 

For example, you can set up the automation where once a User Signs up (When), add a tag (Then) only if this user is registered after a specific date (Only If).

Conditions are optional. You can add as many actions and conditions as you wish.

Synchronous automation

With the Synchronous automation option, you can choose whether the automation will be executed when the event occurs. We recommend asynchronous execution for a faster user journey unless the automation must run in real-time before the user proceeds to the next step.

For instance, consider an automation that adds tags to users based on their responses on the signup form. Based on that tag, you send them to a different page after login. In this scenario, you need to run the automation synchronously. This ensures that when the user chooses their option, they receive the tag and are directed to the correct after-login page. If you don't run it synchronously, there will be a delay before the tag is added, and the user won't see the correct page on the first try.

However, if your scenario involves enrolling a user in a course based on their signup option, you don't have to run it synchronously. The automation will be completed once the user visits the page after login. Asynchronous automations only take a few extra seconds to complete.

Here are all of the available Triggers that can be used to specify when this automation will occur:


Tag Added

Triggers when a selected tag is added to a user.

Tag Removed

Triggers when a selected tag is removed from a user.


User Signs-up

Triggers when a new user is registered (available also for SSO signs ups)
User Signs-inTriggers when a user signs in.

User Enrolled in a Course 

Triggers when a user gets enrolled in a Course Product.

User Enrolled in a Bundle

Triggers when a user gets enrolled in a Bundle Product.

User Enrolled to a Subscription

Triggers when a user gets enrolled in a Subscription Product.
User Un-enrolled from a CourseTriggers when a user gets un-enrolled from a Course Product.
User Un-enrolled from a BundleTriggers when a user gets un-enrolled from a Bundle Product.
User Un-enrolled from a SubscriptionTriggers when a user gets un-enrolled from a Subscription Product.
User Sign up request approvedTriggers when the user's sign-up request is approved
User Sign up request rejectedTriggers when a user's sign up request is rejected
User is added to a user groupTriggers when a user is added to a user group
User is removed from a user groupTriggers when a user is removed from a user group
User is added to a seat offeringTriggers when a user is added to a seat offering
User is removed from seat offeringTriggers when a user is removed from a seat offering
User hasn't visited the school in the last X daysTriggers when a user hasn't visited the school in the last X days
User hasn't visited a course in the last X daysTriggers when a user hasn't visited a course in the last X days
User hasn't opened the mobile app in the last X daysTriggers when a user hasn't opened the mobile app in the last X days
User hasn't visited a course via the mobile app in the last X daysTriggers when a user hasn't visited a course via the mobile app in the last X days
Course Progress
User Starts a CourseTriggers when a user visits a course.
User Completed a CourseTriggers when a user completes a course.
Certificate gets AwardedTriggers when a user is awarded a certificate.
User Previews a Paid CourseTriggers when a user has previewed a free section of a paid course.
User reaches X% of course progressTriggers when a user reaches an X% of their course progress
User completed a learning activityTriggers when a user completes a learning activity
Payment is MadeTriggers when a purchase occurs.
Coupon is UsedTriggers when a coupon (coupon, plan promotion, bulk coupons) has been claimed to purchase a course.

Subscription Trial Started

Triggers when a subscription trial has started.
Subscription Trial Ends in 3 daysTriggers when a subscription trial will end in 3 days.

Subscription or Installment is Paid 

Triggers when a payment transaction for purchase (subscription or installment of a payment plan) is successfully charged. 
Subscription or Installment CanceledTriggers when a subscription or installment is canceled.
Installment CompletedTriggers when a user completes their installment
Subscription UpdatedTriggers when a subscription is updated (planned/cancellation/renewed/updated).
User is UpdatedTriggers when a user profile is updated.
Form is Submitted
Triggers when someone submits a marketing form
Assessment is Submitted
Triggers when a user submits an assessment
Assessment is Reviewed
Triggers when someone reviews an assessment
NPS form submitted
Triggers when someone submits an NPS form
Certificate exam is submitted Triggers when someone submits a certificate exam
Certificate exam is reviewed
Triggers when a certificate exam has been reviewed

Below you can find all the available Actions that specify after the automation triggers what event will occur:


Add Tags

Adds one or more tags to a user.

Add Tags based on User's Email Domain

Adds the domain name of the user's email as a tag. This action is only available when the Trigger "User Signs-ups" is selected.

Add User's Email Domain as a TagAdds the domain name of the user's email as a tag for specific email domains. This action is only available when the Trigger "User Signs-ups" is selected.
Add tags based on the user's TLD (.com, .org)Add tags based on the TLD the email address of a user has
Remove TagsRemoves the tag or tags from the user. 


Enroll to Courses

Gives the user access to a course product).

Enroll to Bundles

Gives the user access to a bundle product. 

Un-Enroll from Courses

Removes access from a course (paid, private). 
Un-Enroll from BundlesRemoves access from a bundle.
User Progress

Set Course as Completed

Mark the course as completed.
Set Learning Activity as CompletedMark specific learning activities as completed.
Reset course progressResets user's progress in a course
Reset learning activity progressResets user's progress in a specific activity
Send Email to UserAn email notification is fired to the user. The notification template can be further edited when this action gets selected.
Send email to collaboratorsAn email notification is sent to your collaborators. The notification template can be further edited when this action gets selected.
Send Push Notification (Mobile) to UserA push notification is fired to the mobile app for users who have downloaded the school's app from the stores (Apple, Google).
Send a School Message to UserSends a personalized message to the user's inbox of your school.
Add to a Private SpaceAdds the user to a private space in the Community.
Remove from a Private SpaceRemoves the user from a private space in the Community.

User Management

Add to a user groupAdds a user to a user group
Remove user from a user groupRemoves a user from a user group
Add to seatAdds a user to a seat
Remove from seatRemoves a user from a seat
Send mixpanel event (BETA)Sends event to Mixpanel
Send GA4 event (BETA)Sends event to GA4
Send GTM event (BETA)Sends event to GTM
Send  Meta event (BETA)Sends even to Meta
Send a webhookSends webhook

Here is the list of the Conditions that will need to be met, where only if these conditions occur then the automation will take place.


Has a Specific Tag

Fire the automation only if the user has a specific tag applied.

Has any of the tagsFire the automation only if the user has any of the tags you will choose
Doesn’t Have Specific Tags

Fire the automation only if the user does not have specific tags applied. 

User Info

Is Paying User

Fire the automation only if the user is a paying customer. Enrollment in private courses is still considered paying status. 
Is non-paying userFire the automation only if the user is a non-paying customer.

Is Registered Before

Fire the automation only if the user has signed up in your school before a specific date. 

Is Registered After

Fire the automation only if the user has signed up in your school after a specific date. 

User Email is

Fire the automation only if the user email has equal value with the selected email.
User email domain isFire the automation only if the user has a specific email domain
User custom signup field isFire the automation only if the user has submitted a specific signup field
Inactivity advanced filtersThose filters appear only when an "inactivity" trigger has been chosen and give you more options for filtering your users
Is a member of a user groupFire the automation only if the user is a member of a user group
Is not a member of a user groupFire the automation only if the user is not a member of a user group
Is a member of a seat offeringFire the automation only if the user is a member of a seat offering
Is not a member of a seat offeringFire the automation only if the user is not a member of a seat offering
User inactivity
Inactivity advanced filtersFire based on inactivity filters

Is Subscribed to Marketing Emails

Fire the automation only if the user has opted-in for marketing emails, according to your GDPR settings.
Has accepted cookiesFire the automation only if the user has accepted school's cookies

Is Enrolled to CourseFire the automation only if the user is enrolled in a specific course.
Is not Enrolled to CourseFire the automation only if the user is not enrolled in a specific course.
Is Enrolled to BundleFire the automation only if the user is enrolled in a specific bundle
Is not Enrolled on BundleFire the automation only if the user is not enrolled in a specific bundle.
Owns SubscriptionFire the automation only if the user is enrolled in a specific subscription.
Doesn't Own SubscriptionFire the automation only if the user is not subscribed to a specific subscription.
Form is SubmittedFire the automation only if the user has submitted a response in a Marketing/Course Form.
Assessment is SubmittedFire the automation only if the user has submitted a graded/non-graded assessment.
Assessment is PassedFire the automation only if the user has successfully passed the assessment.
Assessment is FailedFire the automation only if the user has failed the assessment.
Certificate Exam is submittedFire the automation only if the user submitted the certificate exam activity.
Certificate Exam is passedFire the automation only if the user passed the certificate exam activity.
Certificate Exam is failedFire the automation only if the user failed the certificate exam activity.
Has Responded to NPS FormFire the automation only if the user has provided a response in the Net Promoter Score form.
Has Responded to Qualification FormFire the automation only if the user has provided a response in the Qualification form.

Treat as a regular expression

When creating an automation, you can include conditions (by enabling the "only if" option) to make the automation more specific. If you choose the "only if user email is" option, you will see an additional option Treat as regular expression. By enabling this setting, you can use regular expressions to specify the conditions further.

For example, if you want to include all users that have email addresses like,, or, you can activate that setting and add that regex ^(kate|kathreine|katerina)@gmail\.com$

This regular expression will match email addresses that start with "kate", "kathreine", or "katerina", followed by ""

Automations Page

On the automation page, you can see: 

  • A search bar to search for your created automations.
  • A list of your available automations.
  • No. of times the automation was executed.
  • The date that the automation was last edited.
  • The status of the automation (Active-Inactive).
  • The actions of the Automation:

→ Preview

→ Edit

→ Duplicate

→ Delete

Check the number of times the Automation has been applied

By clicking on the No of times executed, you can see the number of times that this event was applied and a list of all of the automation events.

Preview an Automation

Click on specific automation to see the Triggers - Actions - Conditions and edit the workflow.

List of Available Variables

When setting up your automations, you have the option to send personalized emails to your users. During the editing process, you’ll find a variety of variables that can be used to tailor the messages to each recipient. Below is a list of the available variables for personalization.

  • Username
  • User email
  • School name
  • School URL
  • Support email
  • Account link
  • Company name
  • Contact email
  • Current year
  • Inbox link
  • Mail signature
  • School address
  • Sales email
  • School logo
  • School description
  • School currency
  • Custom sign-up fields

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