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How to Create a 1:1 Session Learning Activity

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

In LearnWorlds, you can allow your users to schedule a 1:1 session with you as an admin or any course creators and instructors using the built-in Calendly integration. After connecting Calendly with your LearnWorlds school, you can create 1:1 session learning activities, connect them with event types created in your Calendly account and provide 1:1 sessions to your students. 

You can also offer Group Sessions to let multiple learners schedule and participate in the same session. 

How to Create a 1:1 Session Learning Activity

1. Create your course and the Course Sections.

2. Find the course you want, and click the Course Outline tab.

3. Click on Add an Activity.

4. Choose the Live session category and select the 1:1 session learning activity.

5. Click on Save or Save & Edit to edit the activity immediately.

How to Set up a 1:1 Session Learning Activity

After the 1:1 session activity has been created, hover over it, and click on Settings to configure all the properties.

  1. Title: Give a title to your learning activity. 
  2. Description: Give a description of your learning activity.
  3. Icon: Choose an icon that will appear in your course player for your learning activity.
  4. Account: Choose the Calendly account that has been connected with your LearnWorlds school in the Integrations section > Live Sessions > Calendly.
  5. Event Types: Select the event type (which you have already set up in your Calendly account) you wish to make available for your users for them to schedule their 1:1 session.
  6. Digital Download.

The Event types can be created (and their details (duration, location, etc.) can be edited) directly in your Calendly account.

You can use the 1:1 sessions and Collective (provided that your Calendly account allows it) Calendly event types; the Round-robin Calendly event type is not supported.

How Can Users Schedule their 1:1 sessions using Calendly

When users visit the 1:1 session learning activity in the Course player, they will be able to select a slot at their preferred date and time, according to your availability as set in your Calendly account.

When the event is scheduled, the user receives a confirmation screen in their Course player with the information of the scheduled slot as per the Calendly event type, including the specific date and time, and event location:

When the time of the 1:1 session comes, a Join meeting CTA button will appear prompting the user to join the 1:1 session:

The CTA (Call to Action) button text can be altered by navigating to the Site language page, and the button's color is fetched from the Brand color added to your school's Theme Explorer Colors palette

The CTA button appears at the time of the scheduled event, when specific location types are configured in your Calendly account, such as Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and Go to Meeting. 

When the user joins the 1:1 session via this CTA in the course player, then the 1:1 session is automatically marked as complete in their user progress. Here's How to Track the User Progress for Zoom/Webex Live Sessions.

How can Admins/Instructors Manage the 1:1 Sessions

If you wish to keep track of the attendees of your 1:1 sessions, export the session report, manually mark the session as completed for your users, and keep notes on the session topic for each user, navigate to the 1:1 session activity you wish, and click on User Progress.

User Progress Page

1. Go to the Course outline tab.

2. Hover over the Webex learning activity and choose User Progress.

On the User Progress page, you can see the Name, Tag, Date and Time of the meeting, the duration of the meeting, and the Status of your created events.

You are able to view all of the users that have visited the 1:1 session learning activity and have scheduled or not, completed or canceled the scheduled 1:1 session. You can also search for a specific user and export the user report.

Show Details

Hover under the Actions tab of a specific user and click on Show Details; alternatively, you can navigate to the Live Sessions page and click on the same action on the specific scheduled event of your interest. 

In the side form that appears, you can:
1. Mark a session as complete.

2. Add private notes for each session for the specific user.
3. Join (start) the session (applicable for when the online location types are configured in your Calendly account, such as Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and Go to Meeting).  

Mark a coaching session as Complete

If you wish to mark a session as attended for specific users manually, you can:

1. You can bulk-mark a session as complete for multiple users. Select the user/users you wish and click on Mark as complete.

2. Or hover over the Actions field of a specific user and click on Show Details. Once the coaching side form appears, click on Mark as complete.

3. Or navigate to the Live Sessions page and click on a specific event type, then choose Show Details, and in the next panel you can mark this session as complete.

Live Sessions page

All the upcoming and previous scheduled events are accessible under the Live Sessions administration page. The school owner can review and see the attendees, mark the event as attended, and even keep notes for the specific user in a simple and clear calendar view.

Scheduled Calendly events appear in purple, Zoom meetings and webinars appear in blue color, and Webex events appear in green.

Upcoming and previous events with all of the available information and quick action options such as the Edit option and the Show Details sideform, as listed in the calendar view, so this calendar functions as the dashboard for all your scheduled live and 1:1 sessions. 

For 1:1 sessions that are to be offered as the one and only learning activity within a course, you can choose the Single learning activity course player skin to make the experience of your users as clean, straightforward, and to the point as possible.

Reschedule and Cancellation 

The coaching events can only be rescheduled or canceled outside of LearnWorlds (via Calendly, or via the confirmation email), either via the admin or user. 

In the event of a reschedule, the new date and time will be updated on the platform in both the Course player and the admin dashboard. 

In the event of a cancellation, the event will be deleted from the Live Sessions page, and the admin will be able to see the cancellation label. Once the coaching session is rescheduled, the new date and time will be updated. 


  • We recommend using Calendly’s Standard or Higher plans to cancel or reschedule sessions and synchronize that data with your LearnWorlds school. Free trial accounts will result in those data not being synced. 
  • If an event is canceled in your Calendly account, the user cannot reschedule from the same learning activity in your school. We recommend using the rescheduling option. 

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