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Theme Explorer - How to Customize the Appearance of your School's Website

In this article, you'll discover how to personalize the appearance of your school's view by adjusting colors, typography, and layout. These elements serve as the foundation for your pages and can greatly impact their overall look and feel. 

The Theme Explorer acts as your school’s command center, allowing you to select and configure your page’s Colors, Typography, Buttons, and Layouts from a single menu. 

To navigate to the Theme explorer:


1. Go to Website → Theme Explorer.

2. Go to Website → Edit Website and navigate to Design Theme Explorer from the top ribbon panel.

Theme Explorer

The main tab of Theme Explorer consists of a variety of pre-designed color schemes, fonts, and page layouts. Choosing any of these presets will instantly apply them to the displayed page, allowing you to sample various combinations of colors and fonts. If you don’t like the changes you made, select Discard & Exit and the page will revert back to its original design.


Design your own color schemes by selecting the Colors Tab which allows deeper customization of the school’s brand, background, and text colors. Find out all the details about the Colors tab here.


Use the Typography tab to select and configure your school’s font families and text sizes. You may choose more fonts from LearnWorld’s huge font style library. Check out all the info about the Typography tab here.

Button & Inputs

The Buttons & Inputs tab allows you to customize your school’s buttons & inputs. Find useful details about the Buttons & Inputs tab here.


The Layout tab allows you to make adjustments to your section layouts. Learn more about the Layout tab here.

If you wish to create a new website design you can check our Site Flavors, available in our Learning Center plans or higher.

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Theme Explorer