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How to Configure Assessment and Course Form Settings

Once you’ve created an Exam (Graded) or Self (Non-graded) assessment or Forms, you can customize their settings to fit your needs. Assessments come with a range of important options that can significantly impact both the user experience and the outcome. Below is a detailed list of the available settings, how to enable them, and what each one does.

To locate the Assessment settings:

1. Go to Courses  Course manager and go to the Course outline tab.

2. Hover over the assessment learning activity and click on Edit Questions.

3. In the Assessment Builder environment, click on Settings.

Let's analyze each setting for Exam/Self Assessments and Forms:

Exam/Self Assessments

Grade & Attempts

This section lets you set passing requirements and control how many times learners can attempt the assessment. You can also set up the confirmation popup, that prevents learners from accidentally submitting their assessment by requiring confirmation before submission.

Passing GradeDefine a passing grade as a percentage (%) to determine the minimum required score.
Attempt SettingsAllow multiple attempts after failing or regardless of outcome. Choose between unlimited or fixed attempts.
Confirmation PopupEnable a confirmation popup before submission. Optionally customize the message or add a warning for unanswered questions.

- Grading & scores are not relevant in self-assessments. However, exam questions are still available and correctness and feedback are relevant.

- The confirmation popup appears right after the user clicks on the Submit button at the end of the exam, or answers the final question of the assessment when the Autonavigate setting is enabled in the card-based navigation mode under Design → Navigation.


Set a countdown timer for the assessment.

Timer ModeDescription
No TimerLearners can take as much time as needed and must submit the assessment manually.
One Timer for Entire ExamA fixed overall time limit is set for completing the entire assessment.
One Timer per QuestionEach question has its timer. Available only in Card-based or Submit-as-you-go assessment modes.

- If a per-question timer is enabled, questions must be submitted one by one and cannot be revised after submission.


Deliver all or a random subset of the questions to each student. Choose whether to shuffle the questions’ order. Randomization prevents cheating by ensuring that learners receive different question orders or sets.

Select Number of Questions to ShowDefine how many questions should be delivered per section, either from the full pool or a custom selection.
Deliver Same Questions on RetakeChoose whether learners receive the same set of questions or a new set when retaking the assessment.
Shuffle QuestionsRandomize the order of questions for each learner to create a unique experience.

- If questions are drawn from a Question Bank, ensure the Required setting under General, is disabled to allow randomization while editing the question.



Choose whether to offer a feedback report to the student and tweak the information included. Feedback reports help learners understand their performance by displaying results and explanations.

Show FeedbackChoose how feedback is presented: as a button, embedded in the ending screen, or as a downloadable PDF report.
Which Questions to ShowSelect which questions to include in the feedback:
– Only answered
– Only unanswered
– All
– Only correct
– Only incorrect
What to Include in FeedbackDefine the details shown in the feedback. Options include:
– Results analysis table
– Learner answers
– Correctness
– Correct answers
– Question feedback
– Question numbering
– Question score (only available in graded assessments)
– Section titles

To add feedback to your questions, you need to:

1. Click on Edit questions on the question you wish to offer feedback.

2. Enable the setting Provide feedback.

You can also enable Advanced feedback, in which you can add different feedback for each option.

Manual feedback

If manual feedback is enabled, assessments with closed-ended questions will be reviewed via the Review Center. Students will see a Pending Feedback message and receive a notification once feedback is posted.

- Assessments containing assignment-type questions (open-ended, text, file submission) are always sent to the Review Center, requiring manual grading.

Ending screen

In the Ending screen settings, you can configure the widgets presented in the ending screen (e.g., results in analysis widget).

Results Analysis WidgetChoose whether to display the results analysis widget on the ending screen.
Results Analysis Widget Should IncludeSelect which elements to show in the widget:
– Ending screen icons
– Ending screen title texts
– Score (%) (only for graded assessments)
– Points (only for graded assessments)
– Correct answers
– Time spent
– Date submitted
– Attempt number
When Pending for Manual Grade/FeedbackDecide whether to display the correct answers, score, and feedback while the submission is still awaiting manual grading or feedback.

Auto recovery

By activating this setting, you can allow your students to navigate away and return to the assessment within a time window without losing their answers. 

- For Exams, the Admin/Instructor can choose when a user comes back after the auto recovery period passes, whether they fail or not.  If this option is not activated, the users do not fail the answers are deleted, and they must re-attempt it. 

- For Self-assessments, the user does not fail when they don’t come back within the auto recovery period, the answers are deleted, and they must re-attempt it.

  • You may encounter Abandoned, Unfinished, or Rejected statuses. The Abandoned status happens when a user fails the exam and does not come back within the auto-recovery period. If a user leaves mid-assessment without interruptions enabled, when they visit the assessment again they will see the ending screen with the attempt graded as 0. 
  • The Unfinished status is shown if a user leaves the submission, doesn't come back before the auto-recovery time runs out, and hasn't revisited the assessment yet. Unfinished logs are not included in the export report file.
  • The Rejected status can happen for submissions that are invalid due to browser session expiration. For example, if a required question has not been answered or the timer expired and the submission took place.
  • The auto-recovery option is not available in preview mode; it only functions when the course is accessed as a student.

Learner tools

Show a sidebar presenting all available questions concisely. Allow students to navigate easily between questions and bookmark them.

Activate Learner ToolsEnable or disable additional tools to support learners during the assessment.
Allow SearchAllow learners to search within the assessment content.
Allow BookmarkingEnable learners to bookmark questions for review or later reference.
Student RemindersAllow students to set personal time reminders during the assessment.
SpellcheckDisable the browser's built-in spellcheck in input fields to prevent unintentional hints or assistance from the browser.
Only users can set reminders (the admin cannot pre-set the reminders for the users), bookmark questions, and search among question descriptions.

After Submission

You can tag students after assessment submission. For exams (graded assessments) you can also tag users who pass the assessments.

Assignment grading (Graded Assessment only)

Set the passing grade for assignment questions in exams (open-ended questions). Inherit the assessment’s passing grade or set a different one for the assignments.

Select when the assignment is considered correct: 

  • Based on the assessment's passing grade
  • Set a passing grade for all assignment questions

This section allows you to configure how learners navigate between questions. Learn more about the available options here.


You can find and customize system UI texts.


Setting GroupDescription
Answer Report Settings
Show answersChoose to show a download button on the ending screen, provide an embed option, or generate a downloadable PDF.
Questions to IncludeSelect which questions appear in the report:
– All questions
– Only unanswered
– Only answered
Content to IncludeDecide whether to show learner responses or omit answers for privacy/unbiased review.
After Submission Settings
What Users See After SubmissionControl what users see after submitting:
– Course forms show the ending screen
– Marketing forms can redirect users to a custom page
On RevisitChoose whether the form resets or retains previous answers when revisited.
Save Data in Leads from PagesEnable saving submitted data as leads (available only for marketing forms).
Tagging UsersAutomatically apply specific tags to respondents upon submission for segmentation and tracking.
ShareShare marketing forms externally and collect responses from users outside your school (available only for marketing forms).
NavigationConfigure how users move through the form or assessment. (See Customizing Access – Configuring Navigation for more details.)
LanguageTranslate assessment/form UI text directly within the form editor and edit specific words or phrases in place.

The Certificate of Knowledge settings are identical to the Exam settings, with one additional option: Certificate Sharing. This setting allows you to enable social share buttons on the assessment’s completion screen, making it easy for students to share their certificate on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook.

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