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How to Manage your User Tags

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

Tags are a powerful tool that allows Admins to categorize and differentiate users based on various attributes, such as interests, location, occupation, and many more. It’s especially useful for corporate training, where you might split your users into different teams of customers or teams within a company. 

Tags apart from management and categorization are extremely helpful in the usage of automation (for example, sending an email campaign to a group of specific tagged users) and in the visibility modification of a section, widget, and after-login page. By assigning tags to users, you can then tailor the content, recommendations, and interactions to each user's specific needs and preferences.

There are multiple ways that you can add tags, and in this article, we will explore how to organize the created tags and the concept of tag management in more detail. 

Tags Overview

Within your school's dashboard, you can access a dedicated section to manage your tags, this is the Tags page. This section allows you to view, add, rename, delete tags, etc, making it easier to organize and search for your materials.

In order to add a tag, you need to navigate to Users â†’ Tags â†’ click on Add tagsOn the Tags page, you can keep track of all your tags and monitor their usage. 

As soon as you create a tag, you can see:

1. Created: Tag's creation date

2. Updated: If you make any changes to a tag, you can see the updated date and time in the "Updated" column

3. Created by: Who created it

4. Tagged Users

5. Tagged Leads 

6. Tag Usage: All the platform elements that use each tag

7. Actions: The available tag actions for each tag

Tags Actions

  • Rename: You can rename a tag whenever you wish to. When you rename a tag, the change will be automatically applied across all areas that use that tag. This means that you can easily update the name of a tag and see the new name reflected in all related areas without having to make individual changes in each location.
  • View tag usage: By selecting this, you can quickly see where the specific tag has been applied and navigate to the relevant pages. You can see the area and type of use for the specific tag (Courses, Site Builder, Users, Marketing, Mobile App, Reports Center) and the exact context and element.

Selecting a specific element associated with the tag and clicking on the Open link button will automatically take you to the page where that element is hosted, making it simple to access and manage your materials.

  • Delete: It is possible to completely delete a tag within your school's platform. However, please note that this action is irreversible and should be used with caution. Before deleting a tag, ensure that it is not being used in any important areas or materials, as all associated content will be permanently un-tagged and may be difficult to find without the tag. Therefore, it's crucial to double-check that the tag is not being used in any important areas before proceeding with the deletion.
 If you're sending mass emails or mobile push notifications to your users, it's important to understand how tags work. Specifically, you should be aware that deleting a tag will only remove the tag, not the rule itself

Multiple selections of tags

  • Merge tags: If you have multiple tags that you would like to consolidate, there are two options available. The first option is to merge two tags into a another tag, while the second option is to merge two tags by replacing one tag with the other. When you merge tags, the change will be automatically applied across all areas that use that tag.

    For example, let's say that you have two similar tags, 'Support' and 'Support Team', and you wish to merge them into a single tag to avoid duplication. To do this, you can search for them first by using the search tab on the Tag Manager page, selecting them, and clicking on the Merge button at the bottom of the page. A sidebar will open and from there you can choose to merge the two tags into a single tag, or you can replace one tag with the other.
  • Delete: There is a bulk deletion option, which allows you to delete multiple tags at once.

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Table of contents

Tags Overview