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How to Create Sliders in your School's Pages

This article provides information on creating images, text, or video sliders using the Sliders sections and widgets, as well as Galleries & Grids. Mastering this is crucial for enhancing visual engagement and optimizing content presentation on websites or digital platforms.

Slider Section or Widget

To create an image, text, or video slider, you can use the Sliders sections:

1. Go to Website → Design → Edit Website.

2. Choose the page you want to edit from the Pages Manager

3. Click on +Add section to add one of our available Sliders sections (or widgets).

To select Sliders' settings:

4. Click on Edit Slider. On the sideform, you can pick the Slide effect (fade or slide), the Autoplay (enabled or not), the Slides' order, Show pagination (enabled or not), and the Pagination style.

Galleries & Grids

To create an Image Slider, you can use the Galleries & Grids sections:

1. Go to Website → Design → Edit Website.

2. Choose the page you want to edit from the Pages Manager

3. Click on +Add section to add one of our available Galleries & Grids sections.

Click on the section and add the images of your choice.

Make sure to click on Edit Media Gallery and select Pop up slideshow under When clicked. Don't forget to Save your changes.

All your users need to do, is click on an image and view the slider.

After adding a section to your page, you may want to modify the section's general settings, actions, and layout settings in the Sideform.

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Slider Section or Widget