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How to Create a Seat Management Role

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate
Multiple Seats Offering is a B2B toolkit product that enables your customers to sell multiple courses to a group of users by simultaneously handing over the management of this group to your B2B clients.

To efficiently manage your seats and the included users/ courses, you can create a Seat Management role. This role helps you allocate, monitor, and control the seats available. In this article, we will learn more about how to create seat manager roles.

Seat Management Role Permissions

The available permissions that can be assigned to the Seat Management roles are:

  • View users (view their users' User card with only the Profile, Courses, and Activity tabs)
  • View user groups & multiple-seat offerings 
  • View user group members & multiple-seat users
  • View user analytics
  • Manage user segments
  • Export user analytics
  • Manage scheduled reports
  • View the activity history of the users that are in the seat offering.
  • Manage and View Gradebook 
  • Manage and View certifications 
  • Manage and View the review center

The Seat Manager will be able to bulk import and enroll users in courses (relevant to their assigned user group or seat), manage the available seats & course enrollments, and monitor user progress without accessing any other aspects of your platform. 

- The Seat Manager can only see and manage only their assigned User Group and/or Seat Offering.

Seat managers can add new users until the seat offer reaches its limit. Once the limit is reached, they cannot add new users or remove existing ones. However, they can still manage students by adding or removing them from seats (enroll/unenroll from a course).

We provide one Predefined Seat Manager Role; however, it is also feasible to create Custom Roles (available on the Learning Center plan and above) with the aforementioned seat management permissions. Users with the Predefined role can manage their assigned Seats and/or User Groups, add users to the relevant seat or user group, and enroll them in the relevant courses. 

How to Create a Seat Management Role

There are different ways to create a new Seat Management role:

1. Navigate to Users â†’ User Roles:

a. Click Managers hover over a predefined or custom role, and create one based on the specific role.

b. Create a custom role and choose the role to start from.

How to Assign a Seat Manager Role

There are multiple ways to assign the Seat Manager role to a user. Navigate to:

1. Users â†’ User roles and click on Manager. Then choose the +Add Seat Manager option  and fill in the below fields in the Add Seat Manager panel:

  • Username
  • Email
  • Role
  • Seat offerings (You will need to create the Seats)
  • User tags
  • Sign-up validation rules

2.  Users â†’ All Users: Click on +Add user and assign the Seat Manager Role in the User role field of the Add user panel.

3. In case you want to update an existing user, navigate to  Users â†’ All Users, hover under the three dots next to an existing user, choose Edit User, and assign a Seat Manager role in the User role field of the Update user panel.

Simulate the Seat Manager Role

You can check the aspects of the platform that the specific reporting role can view without having access to the actual data by hovering over the role on the User Roles page and clicking on the Simulate option.

The above is the general simulation of the Seat Manager role. Hence if you really want to check what permissions are given to a specific Seat Manager it is better to visit the Seat Manager's profile in the All Users menu and log in as this user.

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