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How to Add Videos and Audio in Ebooks


Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

A common use case of utilizing the Ebook is combining a video/audio file with custom text or images. For instance, users might want to view a cooking tutorial video alongside written instructions and accompanying images of the ingredients. Similarly, language education institutions might provide audio recordings for pronunciation, coupled with text for spelling guidance.  

In this article you can check the steps you need to follow in order to include videos or audio files in your ebook activities.

Click here for more information on how to create an E-Book learning activity and to explore our premade templates for various use cases.

Add Video

To add a video to your ebook:

1. Navigate to your Ebook learning activity.

2.a. Click on the +Add section and select one of the premade templates that include a screen widget (e.g. Media & Text, Columns & Lists, CTAs, Galleries & Grids, etc) or build your own tailored layout.

2.b. If you wish to add a video to an existing section, add a Screen widget or a Gallery widget.

3. Scroll down to Background and click on the Video or Embed options to insert your desired video from one of the available video libraries (School library, Vimeo, or Wistia) or add an embeddable code for the video (in case you are hosting your video on Google Drive for example).

You can choose to: 

  • Autoplay video
  • Mute sound
  • Loop video
  • Open video in a pop-up window
  • See the video preview
  • Change the thumbnail
  • Hide video below: This option is combined with the Fallback image. If you choose to hide the video below certain devices (for example smaller than a desktop/laptop) then the users using those devices will only see the Fallback image.
  • Change the fallback image

Only the applicable buttons are displayed on mobile devices. The volume button is not shown because mobile devices typically control volume through their hardware buttons.

Add Audio

To add audio to your Ebook:

1. Navigate to your Ebook learning activity.

2.a. Click on the +Add section to select a premade template or build your own tailored layout. Then click on the + icon to add an Audio Widget.

2.b. If you wish to add audio to an existing section, add an Audio Widget.

3. You have the option to either Select the audio file you want to upload or Paste here the URL of the mp3 file you want to add.

Let's see a few examples of websites such as Google Drive or DropBox:

a. Google Drive, by copying the ID of the shareable URL (the part that has random numbers and letters) and paste it at the end of this link: 


b. Dropbox, by copying the shareable URL. You need to replace the "0" at the end of the URL with  "1". 

(Example: 3A%20test.mp3?dl=1)

- You should not include special characters (e.g., &, â, è, ü,+,-, etc.) in the titles of your audio files uploaded otherwise, the audio files won't play for the users. Only Latin characters are supported.
- The size limit is up to 20 MB.
- Make sure that your shareable links are not private. 

4. You can also change from the right sideform the Layout of the audio widget, adjust the player size, and add an internal Title and Description to better organize your material.

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Add Video