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How to Îźffer Downloadable Material on your School's Pages

This article provides detailed instructions on offering downloadable content on your school's pages. With just one click of a button, users can easily download various file types, including documents, PDFs, images, and multimedia directly from your school's website.

Add the Download File Widget

1. Go to Website â†’ Design â†’ Edit Website.

2. Choose the page you want to edit from the Pages Manager.

3. Click on the +icon/Widget and select the Download File widget.

4. Select the file you wish to attach to the Download button by clicking on the Upload File button.

You can further customize the design of the button widget according to this article.

a. Files can be up to 20MB in size.

b. For iOS devices, users should turn off the Block Pop-ups setting.

c. Make sure that the title of the file is in Latin characters (special characters like â, è, ü, etc., are not supported).

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Add the Download File Widget