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How to Create a Zap (Zap example)

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

This article will guide you through the process of setting up a basic zap using Zapier. The zap we'll be building performs the following tasks:

[Trigger] Every time a new product is bought.

[Action] Your accountant receives an email with the invoice details.

For more information on connecting Zapier with your LearnWorlds school, refer to this article

To create a Zap:


1. While logged into your Zapier account, click on +Create →  Zaps on the top left.

2. Select LearnWorlds as the Trigger app for the given automation. Type LearnWorlds in the trigger app search field on the right and select our integration once more.

3. Once you click on the LearnWorlds Trigger App you will see the available Events:

For this example, we will choose the first option for User Enrolled in Product and click on Continue.

4. Zapier will need to verify your LearnWorlds account once more. Select it and click on Continue. You can find out more about the Verification process in our respective article

5. Zapier will need to use a sample purchase so it can base the current Zap on. 

Sample data are retrieved from your school, so you need to have at least one product purchase or enrollment to retrieve the test data. This applies to all triggers. For instance, for a New Certificate, you would need to earn a certificate at your school first, so data will be available on Zapier.

Click on Test trigger, choose a test purchase from the list, and click Continue.


1. Once you completed the Trigger step you may now proceed on the Action step and select the Gmail App to email your accounting department.

2. Once you have selected the action app, you should see its available automated actions. Click on Send Email and Continue.

3. You will also need to authorize your Gmail account, so the automation process can be set up correctly. Connect your account, verify the connection when asked, and click on Continue to proceed.

4. Set up the email your accountant will receive once a learner purchases a product from your school. Go to the Action set up, and in the box To, you may add your accountant’s email address. Some fields are optional, but make sure you fill in the ones required, which are the Subject and Body of the email.

Remember to use the available variables that you can find for each field in the relevant drop-down menu.

Below you will see a sample email we created for this example.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.

5. Just like with the Trigger App, the Action App also needs to send test data to ensure the Zap is flawless; choose the Test step button.

Once your test email has been sent successfully, you can start the automation you have just configured by clicking on Publish.

By navigating to your Zaps you can change the status of your Zaps, you can turn them off/on.

Before creating a Zap regarding a course or learning activity, you will need to add a user and complete the course in order for Zapier to get the respective sample data.

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