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How to Add Images to your Pages and SVG/Icons Widgets

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To add an Image type, Vector Graphic, or Icons Widget to any section of your pages:

1. Go to Website Design   Edit Website.

2. Choose the page you want to edit from the Pages Manager.

3. Click on the +icon/Widget and select your desired template.

4. After adding an image type widget, click on the Image and change the image via your Image Library. You can click on the added widget to adjust its settings via the sideform. 

Galleries Widget

Appearance: You can display and switch the widget's layout and choose among many templates.

Media Gallery: You can delete a media item, you can edit the screen options (Change the image, screen type, screen size, and background), add captions to the images, or even re-order the Media items.


  • Click on the +Add Section if you want to add a Galleries Section. 
  • You can choose for a Popup slideshow to appear when the Media Gallery is clicked.

Image Widget

Image: You can change the image by clicking on the change button.

Size: Here you can change the width and heights of the image.

Alt: You can also add an alternative text for your image. For more information about accessibility features, you can click here

Illustrations Widget

Image: You can change the image by clicking on the change button.

Size: Here you can change the width and heights of the image.

Alt: You can also add an alternative text for your image. 

Popup: The image can be clicked and opened in a pop-up window enlarged. 

Screen Widget

General: You can change the Screen Type and Size, click on the change button to get a visual depiction, or you can just select from the list of Screen Types. For Screen Size, you can select either Full, Large, Normal, or Small.

Background: Choose a background for the screen from Color, Image, Video, Embed, or SVG. Detailed information on the background options, can be found in this article.

Overlay: You can choose to set an overlay color and its opacity.

Screen Caption: You can also add a Screen Caption, for catchy texts.

Vector Graphics (SVG) Widget

SVG Image: You can change the image by clicking on the change button.  You have access to the SVG library where you can choose among more SVG template widgets or add your own from your device. You can also change the Image position and background color.

Frame Appearance: Here, you can change the Size, Shape, and Opacity of the SVG image.

Alt: You can also add an alternative text for your SVG image.

Icons Widget

Add icons to your pages by adding an Icons widget or choosing an image from your Library. 

General Note: After adding a widget, you may want to edit the widgets' general settings, actions, and layout settings in the editing Sideform.

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