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How to Embed Instagram and Twitter Posts in your Courses

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

Incorporating social media into your courses is increasingly common, given its pervasive presence. Integrating your Instagram or Twitter posts into your courses can serve as valuable teaching materials. Explore how effortlessly you can embed your social media content in Ebooks or embed learning activities within your Learnworlds school.

In this article, we will learn how to embed Instagram and Twitter posts in your courses. 


1. Navigate to the Instagram post you want to embed. Click on the ... icon on the top right corner of the post.

2. Click on Embed → Copy Embed Code.

3. In your school, navigate to the course and create an ebook or embed learning activity.

aIn the case of an ebook learning activity, add an embed template and paste the code as described here.

bIn case of an embedded learning activity, follow the steps here to add the code.


1Navigate to the post you want to embed. Click on the ... icon located in the upper right corner.

2Click on the bottom right symbol and select Copy Link to Tweet from the pop-up menu that appears.

3. In your school, navigate to the course and create an ebook or embed learning activity.

4Use the code below and replace the bold text/tweet link with the one you copied.

<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550

a. In case of an ebook learning activity, add an embed template and paste the code you created as described here.

b. In case of an embed learning activity, follow the steps here to add the code.

For more information regarding embedding Twitter posts in iframes, click here

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