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Course Insights - Overall Metrics

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

You can have a detailed analysis and overview of the course's usage and how a course evolves over time, depending on the number of users that enroll and attend the courses, the social posting, the average scores, the course content consumption, and the success rate. 

1. Go to Reports Center → Course Insights or to the course insight tab inside any course of your choice.

2. Select All Courses.

3. Select the desired course from the list.

Note: You can also find your available courses, on the Insights tab in the Top 4 Courses Overview zone.

Click on the course that you wish to see a more detailed overview of its usage and the progress over time. You can change the course you wish to analyze, by clicking on the Dropdown menu at the top of your screen.

Course Overview

In the Course Overview zone, you can see the basic information of your created course, the enrolled users, along with a percentage of the Average Score and Success Rate. 

You can export the data (in CSV or XLS format) of the general overview of the specific course. Courses with no marked assessments will show a 100% average score. The success rate is the percentage of learners who have successfully completed a course, including both current and past learners.

Overall Metrics

By scrolling down or clicking on the relevant metrics in the right-side menu, you can get a detailed analysis in the form of graphs (in some of the zones you can also switch to an Accumulative graph). The graphs give you an overview of how the respective metrics evolve over time and the distribution of the users' progress and scores. The metrics zones are dynamic and depend on the usage and available learning activities.

You can filter the results for a specific or custom time range. The metrics zones (except the Student Progress Distribution) give you the ability to compare your results and identify the rise or drop in the date range specified. 

The available metrics zones are:

  1. Course Enrollments (Number of new course enrollments)
  2. Course Starts (Number of students who have visited at least one learning activity)
  1. Student progress distribution (Student progress in clusters from 0% to 100%)
  2. Students who completed the course (Number of students who have successfully completed the course)
  3. Course completion (%) (Percentage of students who have completed the course until the specific date)
  4. Dropped out users (%) (Percentage of students who have dropped out of the course until the specific date (they were nonactive for 30 days and didn’t complete the course)
  5. Total completed learning activities (Accumulative number of learning activities completed)

Note: The Dropout rate is defined as dropped out/enrolled students. A user is considered “dropped out” when all the conditions below apply:

  • Has been enrolled for over 60 days
  • Is inactive for 30 consecutive days
  • Has not finished the course
  1. Average studying time (Average time spent studying the course)
  2. Average  time to complete a course (Average time that students needed to complete the course successfully)
  3. Total studying time (Total time over time)
  1. Scores distribution (How students answered Student scores in clusters from 0% to 100%)
  2. Best/worst students (Best and worst learners over time)
  1. Average Score (Average score in the course considering scores in exams, assignments, and certificates)
  2. Average Exams Score (Average score in exam learning activities)
  3. Average Assignment Score (Average score in assignment (text/file) learning activities)
  4. Exam attempts (Number of exams taken or re-taken)
  5. Assignments submitted (Number of assignments (text/file) submitted or resubmitted)
  1. Average certification score (Average score in certificate learning activities)
  2. Certificate attempts (Number of certificate questionnaires (text/file) tries.)
  3. Certificates issued (Number of certificates issued (exam was required))
  4. Certificates of completion issued (Number of certificates of completion)
  1. Posts (Number of posts in the course discussion)
  2. Likes on posts (Number of likes in the course discussion)
  3. Comments on posts (Number of comments in the course discussion)

Activities Metrics

For a detailed breakdown of each course's sections and learning activities, navigate to the Activities breakdown tab.

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