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How to Add and Customize Forms' Questions

After you create your Marketing Form or Course Form, you are able to structure, add and customize the form's questions.

Structure your Form

After creating your new form, you will need to:

  • Edit your Starting and Ending screens. 
  • Add new or duplicate your Form Sections. Sections can be added by clicking on the three dots that appear when hovering over the existing section. After adding the section and clicking on it, then you can rename, duplicate, move or delete it.

Once the sections are added, you can proceed to add your form questions. You can learn more about organizing your forms with sections and customize the design of your Starting and Ending page on our Marketing Form and Course Form articles.

Add Questions/Content Blocks

Questions can be added in multiple ways:

1. By clicking on Add/Import in the settings topbar.

2. By clicking on Questions+.

3. If a question has been added, click on the +Add/import Question when hovering over an existing question.

You are able to choose among the following types of questions:

  • Multiple Choice: Multiple choice, Multiple Choice/Multiple Answers, Dropdown, Country list, Consent.
  • Text: Short Text & Paragraph
  • Contact: First & Last name, Email, Phone, URL.
  • File upload 
  • Record Video/Audio
  • Rating & Ranking: Linear, Star, Heart, Like Rating.
  • Date & Time
  • Content blocks: Where you can add text and widgets at any point of the form.

Edit the questions

After a question has been added, it comes with some pre-made options:

1. To edit the text of the description and options, you can click on them in order for the text editor in the side form to appear. 

2. If the existing options are not enough, you can click on Add option, which adds one more option below the existing ones. 

3. Each question controls settings, copying, tagging, and deleting. The options menus can be found by hovering over the question or by clicking on it in the sideform.

The tag option is only available for Choices and Rating & Ranking type questions.

4. You can move, duplicate, cut, copy, paste, hide, and delete a question by hovering over each question, clicking on it, and choosing the respective option via the side form. 

Question settings

Each question type has different settings, but some are common for all:

  • Required: Enabling this setting makes the question required. If a user tries to submit the form without having answered a required question, then is taken to that question with a relevant error message.
  • Hide from player: This option allows the question's presence in the form; however, it hides it from the user.

Different settings per question type

Multiple Choice - Multiple Choice/Multiple Answers

Shuffle choices: When a user enters the form, the choices do not show with the order they are added but are randomly shuffled.

Include 'other' option: If enabled, when someone selects “Other” which will be the last option (even if shuffle is on) a field displays below it. You can also enter its placeholder text-the text inside the field.


In the Marketing Forms, if you have chosen the Save data in the "Leads from Pages" table option, under Settings → After Submission, in the Consent type of question, the Make this "Marketing Opt-in" toggle will appear. 

If you wish to enable that option, the Consent question must have only one option (the one that will be set up as a Marketing opt-in), and the answer to that (yes/no) will populate the Opt-in column in the Leads from pages

Note: If you set up the following setting in the Consent question type, even if you do not have the GDPR settings of your school enabled, your users will be able to see the question.

Short text & Paragraph


Placeholder text: The text inside the text box before a user starts typing.

Maximum characters & Minimum characters: The needed characters in order for a question to be able to be considered complete.

Note: If the user does not fill in the necessary characters when submitting, they will be taken to the question, and an error message will display. When the user reaches the character limit, they can't fill in any more characters.

File upload questions

A plethora of options regarding the allowed upload options, the presence of an additional field, the max number of files as well as the max file size. 

The File Upload option can support up to 20 MB files, and it's not available for free courses & free sections in a paid course & Marketing Forms. In addition, for security reasons users cannot upload the following formats: Files with file extensions (apk, app, bat, bin, cmd, com, exe, inf, msi, out, osx, ps1, prg, run, reg, vb, vbs, vbscript, jar, html, htm) and mimetypes: (application/, application/x-dosexec, text/html)

Record Video/Audio

Don't forget to mention the maximum video & audio length allowed.

  • Video Length (maximum 40 seconds)
  • Audio Length (maximum 90 seconds)

You can also enable the Additional Notes field so users can keep extra notes.

Rating & Ranking questions

Show labels toggle: If enabled, you must fill in the edges (start-end) and choose their location (label position).

Stars, Heart, Like Rating question: 

  • Number of items: The number of stars included
  • Icon: The icon you can use includes a trophy, heart, like, crown, and a graduation cap
  • Color:  The color of the icon
  • Size: The size of the icon

Linear question:

  • Scale from: The first, leftmost number
  • Scale to: The last, rightmost number

Date, time, and DateTime

Placeholder date (time or DateTime): Set the time, date, or DateTime that appears before the user fills in any value. 

If the question is required, the users will receive an error if the answer is not submitted.

If you want to delete a question or an answer choice without losing results, you can export those results before they are lost or duplicate your typeform and make changes to the new version.

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